Now, I could have spend about $4 per kid on a box of premade Valentine’s or a Candy Valentine but lately I have been feeling kinda over the top crafty so when came up with a more cavity free alternative for the same price.Got to LOVE Keegstra’s Dollar Store in Hudsonville. I got this pack of 24 bubbles for $1!!!!
Removed all of the birthday bubble labels.
Pretty girly necklaces at 8/$1
Flame boy pencils at 12/$1
Well, this part could have been way cooler but we are a little on the cheap side over here when it comes to printer ink so we just have black. I make these to fit around the bubble jars, using the original one as a template. I have FedEx adhesive shipping labels so I printed them on that so they would stick. You could use regular paper and a bit of glue too. (or address labels?)
Girls got these with a note on top!! (snack bags were $1 for 50 of them)
So…. I spent $8 ($4 per kids’ class) and a couple hours. I hope they enjoy passing them out!
Now, if you are up for it and want some inspiration or some free printables that look way better than mine – check out my Valentine’s Board on Pinterest.
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