Very Unexpectedly I was featured in the Etsy Finds Storque Article and it was about a third of the way down so not even front and center. These are the towels and the photo that was in the article (one of my favorites – and a new product that I just started making)
So here is how it impacted my shop. Below is a screen shot of Craftopolis. The first day I got over 4000 page views – up from 300-500 a day. The next three days I noticed an increase as well. Not to mention the incredible amount of new shop hearts!!!
This is Google Analytics – COOL! 975 Visits the first day.
So far this is the stats on the actual listing : 209 hearts!! I don’t think I have ever had over 15 on a single item before.
As for sales – I am shipping to Brazil, Puerto Rico and Italy this week. My total items that I have sold in the last week is approaching 60!!!
I don’t count on Etsy to bring traffic to my shop but when they do – it is AMAZING.